Image Copyright notice for

All images on this web site are Copyright © Hugh McIntyre, 1998-2006, except where credited to another author. All rights reserved.

None of these images may saved, reproduced or redistributed in any form (electronic or otherwise) in part or whole without written permission from the author. Except that images no larger than 800x600 pixels may be saved for personal use, provided they are not re-distributed outside the current home or company in any form (electronic or otherwise), are not printed, and are not incorporated in another work, in part or whole. Any modification of these images is also expressly forbidden.

The only exception to this is that generic, public Internet search engines may reference such content that they would normally include if they choose to index this site. This exemption also applies to the Internet Archive site However all of these sites must respect any robots.txt file. Also, exemption is only granted to generic search engines and only to the extent that they normally index content -- specialist sites (for example any photo-only sites) are not included.

Hugh McIntyre - webmail at mcintyreweb dot com